For Father’s Day 2012, my wife and kids bought me a home brewing kit. I thought it was the perfect gift. I loved beer and the technical aspects of making it. I was going to make it my hobby and spend lots of time experimenting with various styles. Sharing it with my friends and family would make me a popular guy.
I researched for hours on the web about the various methods of making styles of beer. I found a Youtube channel created by a Hamilton Ontario gentlemen called Craig Farraway. He was an interesting cat. Stay at home Dad, gourmet cook, avid home brewer and musician. He has quite a following and posted a video on how to make home-brew easy. I started my first batch using this video.
I brought my iPad down to the basement and started the process. I decided to make a Czech styled Pilsner. I was surprised that it was quite easy. I had a 5 gallon pail that I used to ferment the beer. I then waited for about a month to bootle all the delicious beer. I remember tasting it for the first time. It was heaven. I always loved beer but making my own was almost a spiritual experience.
I loved it so much that my beer consumption went up and so did the size of my belly. I never abused the stuff but I was drinking more beer than I usually did. The pounds started packing on and I made a decision: I need to stop home brewing or choose a healthier hobby. I know many of you are going to say that I should just practice restraint, but I couldn’t. It was just darn good.
One day I was surfing the web and came across a website called Breadtopia. I thought it would be cool to make my own healthy, organic, artisan bread. We had a bread maker that we bought some time ago gathering dust in the basement. I pulled it out and started the process. I was going to use yeast for a different purpose this time.
My first recipe was organic spelt bread. It was delicious hardy and healthy. My kids and wife went nuts over it. The house smelled so good. It was healthier then beer. There was no downside! This would be my new hobby.
Running Junk It can be stressful. We have lots of customers, employees and logistics involved with providing junk removal in Toronto. I need a hobby to decompress and reduce my stress. Bread making fits the bill and my wife thinks it’s pretty cool that she has a husband who is a bread baker.