Moving to a new home is a time of change. You’ll have a new address, a new backyard and you’ll have to find a new route to work. You may need to register your children in a new school. There is definitely a lot of change going on. In the spirit of change, moving is also a great time to get rid of a lot of the old clutter from your home. There’s no sense in moving it with you and having it clutter up your new home, right?
Calling a junk removal company when you are moving just makes sense. You will be able to move into your new home with less clutter and make a clean break from your old home. It makes the process of moving in easier once you’ve gotten rid of your junk.
A good way to go about junk removal when you are moving is to move everything else out of the house. Move as you normally would, just make a point to leave the items you no longer need behind. Once everything else is gone, it’s time for junk removal. You may want to place all of the unwanted items in one room, as this will make it easier for a junk removal company to dispose of them.
How do you decide what you no longer need? Well, it starts off by looking at your new home. If you have furniture that simply will not fit into your new space, it’s best to leave it behind. Otherwise you will find yourself with another basement full of unwanted furniture and appliances at the new house.
Then you should start planning how you will position everything in your new home. This can easily be done on paper or on a computer. There will probably be items that you have chosen not to include in the layout of your new place. These items can usually be thrown away.
The best part of using a junk removal service when you’re moving is that it’s easy. Your old home will have nothing else in it so you don’t have to worry about accidentally throwing out the wrong things. Plus, with less stuff in the old house, the junk removal company will be able to move around easier and finish their job faster.
You’ll then be left with an old, empty house and a new house that only has the items you actually need and want. Once the moving truck leaves, pulling a dumpster up to your house is perhaps the best thing you could do. Junk removal and moving just go together!
Contact us to find out more!